From Hispanic to Roman Citizens: War as a Mean to Obtain the Roman Citizen during the Roman Republic


  • Christian Núñez López Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



roman citizenship, Hispanic auxilia, Hispania, romanization, Bellum Sociale


The purpose of this work is to reflect on the spread of Roman Citizenship as uirtutis causa gratification to Hispanic auxilia who participated on the battles that developed in Hispania throughout the republican period. Due to special nature of the practice until the municipalization policies of the late republic from here on out, it will proceed to analyse this consequence through concrete examples in order to understand one of the social impacts that can be extract from the military. In this way, it will be observed how the war conflicts became one of the engines of the Romanization of the provincial territories, and will be discussed around the use of Roman Citizenship as an incentive in the adhesion of the conflict in question. To carry it out, we count mainly on the information provided by literally work, underline the authors as Livy, Plutarch or Cassius Dio, and specially the reference of Cicero Pro Balbo and the anonymous text Bellum Hispaniense. On the other hand, we will focus on the famous epigraphic testimony of the Asculum table, essential for our purpose. The presentation of the facts responds to a chronological sequence that has as central axis the Bellum Sociale (91-88 B.C.), since it means a point of no return in relation with the issue of the spread of Roman Citizenship. Therefore, the work offers a bipartite structure between the cases before and after the war. Thus, while we only document one example for the years prior to the Bellum Sociale, we will analyse five —each one with its own characteristics— for subsequent. It will be a constant, in addition, the binding of the examples within the different military experiences which Hispania was the theatre of the operations. Among these, appear the Sertorian Wars and the Civil War that faced Caesar against the children of Pompeius Magnus.


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Author Biography

  • Christian Núñez López, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
    Christian Núñez López (Manresa, 1994) es graduado en Historia por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) y titulado en el Máster en Prehistoria, Antigüedad y Edad Media por la misma universidad. Actualmente se encuentra realizando como investigador FPI el proyecto de tesis doctoral integrado en el proyecto de investigación “Antigüedad, nacionalismos e identidades complejas en la historiografía occidental: Aproximaciones desde Europa y América Latina (1789-1989) (MINECO HAR2016-76940-P), que se enmarca en la investigación del concepto y difusión de la ciudadanía romana y su recepción en la historiografía de entreguerras.


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How to Cite

From Hispanic to Roman Citizens: War as a Mean to Obtain the Roman Citizen during the Roman Republic. (2018). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 7(14).

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