The Chalke Gate: Military Function, Topography, Appearance and Transformation of Constantinople’s Imperial Hall


  • Miguel Navarro Torrente Universidad de Granada



Chalké Gate, Architecture, Great Palace, Constantinople, Byzantium


The splendid gate that gave access to Constantinople's Great Imperial Palace was known as the Chalke Gate. Currently there remains little archaeological evidence of it, but its exact location has already been specified. On the basis of these meagre archaeological remains and brief descriptions provided by ancient chroniclers, this paper will attempt to delimit its exact topographical location, explore the functions it fulfilled within the broader defensive-military sphere and formally describe both its exterior and interior appearance.

From the historical-artistic perspective, the focus will be put on the description of its majestic interior mosaics, whose main theme are the military triumphs during Justinian's campaigns. Thus, in our historical journey through the evolution of the Chalke Gate, two main gate types will be described: one previous to Justinian's reign and the other after him, endowed with a still greater majesty and architectural splendor. Likewise, the neglect and abandonment of this spectacular gate during the Paleologos dynasty in the 13th century and more specifically under Michael VIII, when the imperial facilities were moved to the palace located in the Blanquerna district, will be explored.  

Similarly, secondary and somewhat more recent sources will be relied upon, such as the work carried out in the mid-19th century by Jules Labarte. This primary historiographical study focusing on the different parts of the Great Palace was subsequently completed and further developed by French Byzantinist Rodolphe Guilland, albeit from a more topographical point of view. The importance and value of the study carried out by eminent British scholar Cyril Mango on the Chalke Gate in the mid-20th century will be also highlighted. 

Finally, an attempt will be made to answer any doubts or inconsistencies that may still arise by comparing and contrasting medieval and more recent sources. In doing so, the main characteristics, functions and formal elements of the monumental gate that gave access to the imperial power will form a coherent whole.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Navarro Torrente, Universidad de Granada

    Miguel Navarro Torrente es doctorando en el programa de historia y artes en la Universidad de Granada. Cursó el grado de historia del arte en la misma universidad y, posteriormente un máster basado en la investigación histórica en la Universidad de Córdoba. A lo largo de su trayectoria ha publicado varios artículos relacionados con la historia, el arte y la filosofía bizantina. De igual modo ha participado en congresos como ponente y moderador a nivel nacional e internacional. Actualmente se haya elaborando su tesis doctoral sobre el Gran Palacio Imperial de Constantinopla.


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How to Cite

The Chalke Gate: Military Function, Topography, Appearance and Transformation of Constantinople’s Imperial Hall. (2022). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 11(22), 108-128.

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